Behaviour and Attitude at Beckfoot Thornton

We want students to be motivated and work hard because it is the right thing to do. We understand that some students require more motivation. Therefore, we have a range of rewards available to students who meet and exceed our expectations, however, we also understand that some students will need support and guidance to ensure they make the correct choices. We believe that students should be encouraged to adopt behaviour that supports learning and promotes positive relationships.

Our expectations

In our school and in lessons, we expect all students to follow our learning habits so that all students can learn and make progress at Beckfoot Thornton.

  1. Attend school every day
  2. Be on time to school and lessons
  3. Positive response to each other
  4. Be fully equipped for learning – full uniform including PE kit, planners, equipment packs and knowledge organisers
  5. Attend to your learning – focus, actively engage and complete your work

Where students do not meet our expectations, sanctions may be issued including detentions, removal from lesson or activity, isolation or suspensions in line with our Behaviour Protocol and Beckfoot Trust Policies. Detentions given include: same day after school detention if a student is late to school, a same day break detention, an after school detention the following day. All detentions are set on ClassCharts so that families are aware. Students will be expected to complete work in silence and demonstrate good behaviour.

Rewards and Praise

At Beckfoot Thornton we work hard to ensure our students acquire the knowledge, build the cultural capital and develop the character to live their best lives. Therefore, we have a range of rewards available to students who meet and exceed our expectations. Achievement points are regularly awarded to students via ClassCharts so that this can be celebrated at home.

  • 100% attendance each week = 10 achievement points
  • 0 behaviour codes each week = 10 achievement points
  • Future ready learner = 5 achievement points
  • Confident communicator = 5 achievement points
  • Committed community contributor = 5 achievement points
  • Knowledgeable and expert learner – 5 achievement points
  • Positive contribution = 1 achievement point

Every week, teachers and other staff members nominate students for “Work of the Week” and this is celebrated on our red carpet. All students receive a small reward, a “well done” postcard and information is sent home to families so that everyone can acknowledge the success. We also have our Wall of Fame for those members of our community who have achieved great things beyond the classroom – families are encouraged to send in information about student successes. As well as this we have a range of spot rewards and end of cycle celebrations to recognise those students who get it right every day and are committed to success.

Our key behaviour contacts

If you have concerns about your childs behaviour, or any behaviour at our school that you feel may be affecting your child’s learning, please contact the relevant member of staff below for support:

  • Miss D Gautry – Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs H Boyd – Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Culture
  • Mr J Bell – Associate Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Culture
  • Mr S Kazmi – Associate Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Culture
  • Mrs L Gray – Year 7 Behaviour Support
  • Mr A Ali – Year 8 Behaviour Support
  • Mr Q Basharat – Year 9 Behaviour Support
  • Mr C Dlugosz – Year 10 Behaviour Support