Hello and welcome to my blog.
Students in Year 11 have now completed their mock exams and are counting down the days until they are on study leave and begin their actual exams. It is more important than ever for Year 11 students to continue to work hard in lesson, revise and attend their period 6 and Saturday school classes.
Students in Year 12 have been grafting away, enjoying a week of work experience. This was really great for them as it allowed them to get a real taste for careers of interest to them, for when they have finished their studies.
Last week, students in Year 10 took part in a careers event with The Talent Foundry. It was a really interesting session which we hope students found helpful.
I was very envious that I was unable to join students in Year 7 on Friday last week, as they went to the 'Top Secret' challenge at Bradford Media Museum. During the challenge, students explored over a century’s worth of communications intelligence through handwritten documents, declassified files and incredible artefacts from GCHQ’s and the Science Museum Group’s historic collections.
They traced the evolution of the gadgets and devices used to conceal and decode crucial messages. Students heard from GCHQ staff doing top secret work to defend against terror attacks, and found out more about the challenges of maintaining digital security in the 21st century. The students had a wonderful time and were buzzing when they arrived back at school!
The biggest news in school this week was of course the launch of our Book Club, which commences in September 2022. Information is available to view on the school website in relation to this and other changes that this will bring. I thoroughly appreciate all of the feedback that has been posted on our school Facebook post, as well as those that have emailed through to responses@beckfootthornton.org
The school will take on board all feedback that is received. Over the coming weeks, I intend to go through the feedback and in turn will send out a list of responses, where a response is required.
We are looking forward to seeing the parents and carers of our Year 10 students on Thursday next week, for our virtual parents' evening. If you haven't booked your appointments yet, please phone reception, who can help to arrange the appointments with/for you.
I hope everyone manages to enjoy the sunshine and has a fantastic weekend!