
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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School Meals

fruits-320136_640Please see our menus below.

The hot meals menus below are sample menus, which on occasion may change.

We operate a 3 week menu cycle which we change half termly. This is to allow specials to be added and to ensure that produce used is seasonal.

Good morning,

Please see the message below regarding school meal prices from November 2024. This information is being shared on behalf of Bradford Council.

Update sent to families on 26/09/2024, on behalf of Bradford Council:

A review of all school meal prices has now been undertaken.

The outcome of this review is that, from Monday 4th November 2024, the minimum standard school meal prices will be as follows:

PRICE (per meal)

Pupil Set Meal £2.80 

Over the last couple of years we have continued to see a minimum 25% increase in meal ingredient costs and at least an additional 8% increase in labour costs, with the latter being mainly due to rises in the living wage.

Yet despite these huge inflationary pressures, FM Catering have continued to minimise their impact by improving our efficiency and maintaining high meal uptake levels.

School meal prices in the Bradford district still remain amongst the lowest in the country and are excellent value for money for a nutritionally balanced 2 course set lunch. 

Exciting new menu items have been created ready for the new term launch. Full details will be available regarding the new offer in time for the 4th November start date.

If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the Benefits Service (01274 432771/2/3).

Thank you

Free School Meals
