
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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Key Contacts

Senior Leadership Team

  • Mrs S Trusselle - Headteacher
  • Miss D Gautry - Deputy Headteacher: Standards and Achievement
  • Mrs P Taylor - Deputy Headteacher: Teaching and Learning
  • Mrs N Haworth - Assistant Headteacher: Personal Development 
  • Mr P Dolan - Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs H Boyd -Assistant Headteacher: Teaching and Learning
  • Mrs C Vickerman - Assistant Headteacher: Cycles, Assessment and Attainment  
  • Mr C Hewson - Assistant Headteacher - Head of Maths, Quality Assurance                                     
  • Mrs D Bentley - Assistant Headteacher: Quality of Education
  • Mrs I Edgley - Associate Assistant Headteacher: Teaching and Learning
  • Mr J Bell - Associate Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Culture
  • Mr B Middleton - Associate Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Culture
  • Mrs T Holden - Associate Assistant Headteacher: SENCO
  • Mrs L Whitfield - Cluster Business Manager
  • Miss S Clayton - Executive Assistant to the Headteacher and Leadership Team

Year Teams

Year 7

  • Year Leader - Mr L Cole
  • Behaviour Support: Mrs L Gray

Year 8

  • Year Leader: Mr J Bell
  • Behaviour Support: Mr A Ali

Year 9

  • Year Leader: Mr S Bhatti
  • Behaviour Support: TBC

Year 10

  • Year Leader: Mr D White
  • Behaviour Support: Mr C Dlugosz

Year 11

  • Year Leader: Mrs K Hull
  • Behaviour Support: TBC

Student Support and Medical Hub Co-ordinator

Mrs T Kendall -