
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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At Beckfoot Thornton, we believe that our students should be taught how to find their voice, develop it and use it powerfully: whether this is by speaking up loud and proud in class discussion; reading for pleasure as well as information; or by writing compelling and convincing pieces themselves.

There are a range of opportunities throughout their school life where students can be supported and challenged to develop their skills appropriate to their needs, whatever their starting point.


As part of our drive and ambition to improve the reading ages of our students, we run intervention sessions involving Lexonik Advanced Sound Training. We actively target students in Years 7, 8 and 9, whose reading ages are below their chronological ages. The sessions begin by recapping the basics and work up to understanding complex vocabulary, which is vital for every subject across school. This programme has been extremely successful in helping students to make rapid progress in their reading ages and they are delivered by trained and expert staff.



In order for our students to find, develop and use their voice powerfully, we also run Paired Reading for Years 7 and 8. This involves a small number of Year 7 and 8 students working with reading leaders in Years 9 and 10 during morning registration in the library, to develop their ability to read and understand texts with more confidence. Studies have shown that students are likely to make more progress when reading with their peers and this is a programme that we are extremely proud of. Students who have taken part in Paired Reading have spoken about the positive relationships they build with older students and how their overall attitudes to reading have improved.



In Years 7 and 8, students will have 1 library lesson per week as part of their English curriculum. During these lessons, as well as having the opportunity to independently read, we deliver Reciprocal Reading.

Reciprocal Reading is a structured approaching to teaching the key strategies of questioning, clarifying, summarising, and predicting, which students can use to improve their reading comprehension. Initially, students develop their use of these strategies by observing a teacher ‘thinking aloud’ and modelling the process. This is then followed with opportunities for students to work independently, in pairs and/or groups, so that they can continue to observe others using the strategies, whilst also receiving feedback from their teacher. Ultimately, the aim is for our students to use these strategies with increasing independence and sophistication.



Please click on the following link to read information about our brilliant school library:

News - Beckfoot Thornton Library - Oliver


Better readers and better people who love reading! Read more about our Book Club initiative here:

Book Club


Tune in to our school's radio station here:  

Beckfoot Thornton Radio