27th May 2022
Headteacher's Blog 27/05/2022
Welcome to my blog.
We made it! Another half-term done and dusted! It has been a great one.
This morning, training began for 29 Y8 'Reading Leaders' who are preparing to deliver Paired Reading sessions when we return in September. All students were enthusiastic and eager to support all our students in becoming Confident Communicators. They will take part in weekly training sessions during form time to ensure they are prepared to be excellent reading role models to our new Y7 students. We look forward to training a similar number of Y9 students after half term.
We would also like to thank all our current volunteers in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 12 who have been supporting Paired Reading throughout the year.
Our Year 11 and Year 13 students have been working really hard and are completing their actual exams now... nail-biting stuff!
It is really important for students to have a well-earned rest over the half-term break, but to also keep going with their revision, please.
We were all really delighted to see so many families at our Year 7 parents' evening last night. It was so great having everyone back in school and not having to try and communicate through a computer!
School is now closed and will re-open at the usual time on Monday the 6th of June 2022.
I hope you all have a fantastic break, and enjoy the extra bank holiday and any celebrations you may have planned for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee!
Mr Richardson