
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




Latest news

26th June 2023

Important - Industrial Action 5th and 7th July

Monday 26th June 2023


Dear Families


You will be aware of the ballots that have been carried out by a number of teachers’ trade unions to determine whether their members agree to take strike action, following a dispute which has arisen between the unions and the government about teachers’ pay. This has not arisen due to any issues at the school.

The outcome of the ballots has been announced and only the members of NEU have voted to take strike action. Other unions who balloted did not meet the required thresholds.

The NEU have announced they will be striking on the following dates for our region:

  • 5th and 7th July 2023: Two-day strike in all schools in England (please note we had a previously planned closure on Friday 7th July


We stated that our intention is to keep schools open wherever possible and take all reasonable steps to ensure that this is the case. However, the school needs to ensure that in doing so it can meet the health and safety requirements for students and staff who do not wish to strike.


The arrangements for week commencing 3rd July are:


Monday 3rd July – normal day, all students in school


Tuesday 4th July – normal day, all students in school


Wednesday 5th July – We have taken the difficult decision to only open to all Year 10 students who are studying for their final formal assessments and to identified students who currently receive additional support. All other children will be set work to complete at home.


Thursday 6th July – normal day, all students in school


Friday 7th July – previously planned training day, school closed to all students in all year groups


Year 10 in school


All Year 10 students will be required to come into school for their usual start time, in full school uniform and ready to learn. During this day Year 10 will complete their usual lessons as far as possible, as well as vital additional sessions to support students. It is essential that all Year 10 students attend school on Wednesday 5th July.


Students who receive additional support

We have identified a number of students in other year groups who we think will benefit from completing work in school on Wednesday 5th July.  Families of these students will be contacted via MyEd by the end of this week to confirm this with them.  Identified students will come to school for their usual time entering through the usual entrance in full school uniform and ready to learn.  Students will finish at the normal time. If your child is eligible for a free school meal, these will be provided on site for them.


Unfortunately, we are unable to have any other students on site and meet the health and safety requirements for those in school.

Students eligible for free school meals


For students who are not in school and who are learning from home on the Wednesday 5th July, who usually receive a free school meal, will be able to pick up a pre-ordered grab bag from the main hall during dismissal on Tuesday 4th July. To order these for your child(ren), please complete the following link by 11am on Friday 30th June 2023:


We will not be able to provide free school meals where these have not been ordered. These bags will need to be stored in the fridge when students get home.


Remote learning


For students who are learning from home (Year 7, 8 and 9) remote learning will be set. If a member of staff is not striking, work will be set on Microsoft Teams. Where a staff member is striking, students can complete previously set work on Show My Homework and use the 9 study skills with their knowledge organisers. If your child will not be able to access the online work, due to not having the internet or a device, please contact school so we can arrange alternative work for them. 




Our transition event for Year 6 families will now be held over one day. Further information will be sent to families shortly.



Again, we realise that this may cause you disruption, for which we apologise. Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience during this time.


School will be open every day, as normal week commencing 10th July.



Yours sincerely

Mrs S Trusselle


Beckfoot Thornton


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